🔊 Read website aloud (Text-to-Speech synthesis) N.B.This is a rudimentary MindMap which is under construction… General Soft robots and smart dust General Fluoride use by pregnant women linked to childhood behavioural problems General Microplastic in human testis General The ‘Internet of Medical Things’ and Healthcare 4.0: General Alan Watt on Margret Sanger General Dr. Poornima Wagh General NASA – Future strategic issues and warfare General 3D Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles for Cloud Seeding – Patent US 2022/0002159 A1 General mRNA ≠ modRNA General Water in terrorism General IBM: Computerised crimes against humanity General The myth of overpopulation General Dr. Henry Kissinger with Eric Schmidt | Talks at Google General Alexa General Interdisciplinary richness General Population Density and Social Pathology (Calhoun, 1962) General CDC – Fertility Rates USA (2005-2021) General Covid “vaccine” expert testimony: UK partliament (Dec 4, 2023) General Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars General The myth of data security, data protection & privacy General Christopher Simpson: Americas Recruitment of Nazis General Social Identity Theory (SIT) General The Minimal Group Paradigm General Robbers Cave Experiment (classics in social psychology) General Pandemic preparedness and the road to international fascism General National Security Study Memorandum: The Kissinger report (declassified) General U.S. Special Forces Want to Use Deepfakes for Psy-Ops General The need for cognition General Dr. Peter Duesberg: The HIV-AIDS Hypothesis – 30 Years Later General Scientific America article: Mind Control by Cell Phone General The Lancet: Retracted study on Covid vaccine autopsies General The Finders (Tallahassee child abuse case) General Minding Rights: Mapping Ethical and Legal Foundations of ‘Neurorights’ AI AI on cognitive liberty: Navigating the Frontiers of Cognitive Liberty and Expanding Consciousness General Neonatal tetanus campaign in Kenya (induced infertility) General Dr. Robert Willner Accused Anthony Fauci of Genocide during the AIDS “Pandemic” (30 Yrs. Ago) General Dr. Charles Morgan on Psycho-Neurobiology and War General IgG4 Antibodies Induced by Repeated Vaccination May Generate Immune Tolerance to the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein General Edible plants as oral “vaccines” General Fifth-generation warfare (5GW) General Flipping a switch inside the head: Radio-operated remote control of neuronal activity General Graphene biointerfaces for optical stimulation of cells General Immunization Via Mosquito Bite With Radiation-attenuated Sporozoites (IMRAS) General Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth General Herman Kahn’s escalation ladder General Einstein’s opposition against Operation Paperclip General Thomas Paine: Common Sense (1776) General EU Vaccines Strategy General Group Life COVID-19 Mortality Survey Report General Ludwig van Mises: Omnipotent Government General Praxeology: A holistic approach to human behaviour General Albert Pike’s vision of three world wars (1871) General Hail Hydra (Hydra vulgaris) General Prof. Noam Chomsky on the State-Corporate Complex: A Threat to Freedom and Survival General Abuse of authority by the UN: Sexual exploitation and abuse of children covered up General Humes’ is-ought problem General Hormesis in toxicology General Brain Science from Bench to Battlefield: The Realities – and Risks – of Neuroweapons | CGSR Seminar General Neuroweapons & neurohacking (dual-use neuroscience) General In vivo gene editing Covid Stimuli-responsive nanoparticles, nanogels and capsules for integrated multifunctional intelligent systems (Review, 2010) General Alfred Kinsey – Sexual behavior in children (empirical sexology) General Amazon Web Services Cloud Platform: Termes of service 42.10 General A Conversation with Russel Means General Prof. Michael A. Persinger: The connectedness of everything General NASA Apollo 40th Anniversary Press Conference General Ray Kurzweil: Nanobots In Our Bloodstream – Connecting the Brain to WIFI General Dark Winter: A Bioterrorism Exercise in 2001 General Data dredging (aka. p-hacking) General Cognitive biases (availability heuristic, framing, base-rate neglect, false positive paradox) General Thomas Malthus: An Essay on the Principle of Population (1798) General The Apology of Socrates by Plato Education Solar geoengineering: Dimming the sun to fight “global warming” General CRISPR-Cas9 Nobel Lecture: Emmanuelle Charpentier, Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2020 General Dr. Craig Venter: Computer-generated synthetic life General Subliminal manipulation (documentary) General Corona related patents (injectable devices, nanoscale wires, neural probes) General Remember the dangers of “global cooling”? General Kary Mullis – full interview from 1996 (“You can’t expect the sheep to really respect the best & the brightest”) General Psycholinguistics: The etymology of the word “kid” General Nobel laureate Kary Mullis on “global warming” General Rudolf Steiner on “spiritual vaccination” (1917) General Owning the weather: US Airforce document on geoengineering with “stratospheric aerosol injection” (SAI, aka chemtrails) General Logical deduction 101: Can you deligate a right you do not have? General Wicked problems: The “halting problem” in the social domain General Big lies: A propaganda device par excellence General The Office of Special Investigations: Striving for accountability in the Aftermath of the Holocaust General Dr. John Coleman: The committee of 300 General Hegelian dialectic and social/attitudinal polarisation General Ex CIA discussing pedophilia and adrenochrome General Walt Disney and the FBI Cognitive science Effects of trauma on personality and genetics General Racial Hygiene, Eugenics & Geopolitics General United States Government official PsyOp manuals General Sequential & longitudinal transgenerational trauma General Study overview: Nanotechnology in Covid-19 “vaccines” General Identity politics and SIT (Social Identity Theory) General Dr. Herbert Krugman (1969): Watching television induces alpha brain waves (similar to hypnosis) General DDT (Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane): An experiment on the masses Articles The germ theory of disease: Experiments to determine mode of spread of influenza (Dr. Milton J. Rosenau, 1919) General Pont-Saint-Esprit mass poisoning General Operation Sea-Spray (U.S. Navy secret biological warfare experiment using Serratia marcescens and Bacillus globigii bacteria) General David Rockefeller thanks the media General WiFi radiation banned in France from daycares General Graphene – the perfect atomic lattice (Nobel lecture by Prof. Konstantin Novoselov) General Dr. Steven M. Greer: The unacknowledged threat secret and covert operations by the USA Articles On ‘modified human agents’: John Lilly and the paranoid style in American neuroscience General German post-war “re-education” General Inducing Resistance to Conspiracy Theory Propaganda: Testing Inoculation and Metainoculation Strategies General Enforcing Social Conformity: A Theory of Authoritarianism General The internet of bodies General Fast Face-swap Using Convolutional Neural Networks General ‘Poisonous, filthy, loathsome, damnable stuff’: the rhetorical ecology of vaccination concern General The horros of vaccination (1870, Yale medical library) General Colonel Vladimir Kvachkov on Covid and depopulation General Surviving Evil: CIA Mind Control Experiments in Vermont General The Rape of the Mind: The Psychology of Thought Control, Menticide, and Brainwashing (Meerloo, 1961) Cognitive science Operation Mind Control (Bowart, 1978) General Useless eaters: Disability as genocidal marker in Nazi Germany Anthropology Axiology & Agathology General Das Bild der Tuberkulose im Film „Robert Koch – Bekämpfer des Todes General Typhus and tyranny: A turbulent history of vaccine research in Nazi-occupied Europe. History Fifty Years Later: The Significance of the Nuremberg Code Anthropology Murderous medicine: Nazi doctors, human experimentation, and Typhus General Psychiatry and the dark side: Eugenics, Nazi and Soviet psychiatry (Cambridge University Press) General Wearable wireless body-to-body networks, 5G and the internet of things General Aquinas’ Moral, Political, and Legal Philosophy General Finnis on Liberty Cognitive science Neuromodulation techniques: A synoptic overview General DARPA Next-Generation Nonsurgical Neurotechnology (N3) program Anthropology Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno (NBIC) technologies General A brief definition of “cognitive liberty” (Sententia, 2004) General A History of Freedom of Thought (Bury, 1923) General Understanding Coercive Gradualism General The Mind Has No Firewall General NATO & Cognitive Warfare General Sir Graham Wilson: The Hazards of Immunization (1967) General Brain Recording, Mind-Reading, and Neurotechnology General Magnetic control of the nervous system (vs. Optogenetics & Chemogenetics) General Aldous Huxley (Moksha, 1977): No more thinking – Everybody’s Happy Now General Graphene and the “Human Brain Project” General Nano Machines for Ultimate Control of False Memories General Dr. Charles Morgan on Psycho-Neurobiology and War General Battle For The Mind – The Mechanics of Indoctrination, Brainwashing and Thought Control – by William Sargant (1957) General Tavistock’s imperial brainwashing project General Human Augmentation – The Dawn of a New Paradigm Cognitive science UNESCO, Neuropolitics & Transhumanism General MKNAOMI – Biological warefare General Toxic Chemical Geoengineering in the Troposphere: Consequences for Public Health General Pandemic simulation games – Preparation for a new era General Disease Mongering: Of Sophists and Spin-Doctors General Morgenthau Plan: Vindictive revenge via mass-trauma General Institutional betrayal trauma General Undisclosed metallic nanoparticles found in most regular vaccines General From PSYOP to MindWar: The Psychology of Victory General Kontaktverbot ist verfassungswidrig (Amtgericht Weimar, Urteil vom 11. Januar 2021) General Drosten retraction-request letter General The [fear/courage] switch in the brain? The ‘Xiphoid Nucleus’ General The 5G Trojan Horse General Who is Bill Gates? General Improved Humans & Directed Evolution General Onus Probandi: Lawsuit Wodarg CoV2-PCR General The Nuremberg Code (German: Nürnberger Kodex) of research ethics principles for human experimentation General The splinternet: Elon Musk’s 42,000 StarLink 5G Satellites (SpaceX) General Koch’s postulates & Bradford Hill criteria for causative epidemiologic evidence General Legal decision: Portuguese court rules PCR test as unreliable Books Inattentional blindness: The 5G rollout and its ramifications General Covid propaganda as a trailblazer for the totalitarian transhumanist agenda General Effectiveness of masks to prevent SARS-CoV-2: A Randomized Controlled Trial General The treason of the intellectuals / La trahison des clercs (Julien Benda, 1927) General Prof. Shoshana Zuboff: The Age of Surveillance Capitalism – The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power Cognitive science Prof. Rainer Mausfeld: Fear and Power – The war against “X” General Psychological warfare methods of the Stasi: Discredeting dissenters by “decomposition” General The “backfire effect” aka. belief perseverance General Sir Bertrand Russell on the need for transnational propaganda and population reduction by scientific means General Prof. Erich Fromm (1966) – The Automaton Citizen & Human Rights General The “Corona Shock-Strategy” of the German Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI) General Terror Management Theory and the COVID-19 Pandemic Covid PCR-test cannot be used to diagnose Covid (or any other viral) infections General Hannah Arendt: Eichmann in Jerusalem. A Report on the Banality of Evil General MetaDTA: Diagnostic Test Accuracy Meta-Analysis v2.0 General WHO’s defining criteria for a pandemic General Under Your Skin! Covid-19 vaccines, nano patches, quantum dots, gene guns… General Jean Baudrillard, Libération 1991, La Guerre du Golfe n’a pas eu lieu General The Corona Fraud: A crime against humanity with extensive legal consequences General Operation Moonshot: UK Government plans up to 10 million covid-19 tests a day Cybernetics Corona propaganda & Vaccination plans General Deepfakes with AI General Operation Mockingbird General The Smith–Mundt Act – Legal Propaganda General ABC Fake News – Syria Bombing General Oshō on the liberty and happiness of children General A pertinent passage from George Orwell’s 1984 Anthropology The etymological root of the term “Archon” General Call on Congress to Create Modern Day Church Committee General University of Alaska Fairbanks WTC7 9/11 study General Television programming & effective frequency General Neuralink – a chronically implanted (hackable) cortical neuroprosthetic device General Propaganda: The Formation of Men’s Attitudes (Jacques Ellul, 1962) Anthropology Simulacra and simulation (Jean Baudrillard, 1994) General Violence and the brain (Vernon H. Mark and Frank R. Ervin ) Economics Credit Suisse Research Institute “Global Wealth Report” (2018) Articles The Network of Global Corporate Control Politics Plato – The Republic Books Annie Jacobsen: Inside DARPA – The Pentagon’s Brain General Bertrand Russell: Proposed Roads to Freedom Anthropology Sir Francis Galton (*1822;†1911): Hereditary Genius General Dr. Peter Breggin (MD) – Psychiatry, neurosurgery, psychopharmacology and mind control politics Anthropology Joseph Goebbels principles of propaganda General The science of critical thinking Cybernetics Norbert Wiener, Cybernetics: Or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine (1948) Cognitive science Google’s Whitepaper on the “fight” of disinformation Economics Studies on the financial power élite: Behind the façade of democracy General Cybernetics: The science of steering systems General Psychological warfare: Weltanschauungskrieg = The war of worldviews Education J. Edgar Hoover on “monstrous conspiracy and morality” Anthropology The Impact of Science on Society – Bertrand Russell Cognitive science Encyclopædic hegemony: On the dominance of Wikipedia General Full spectrum dominance (JointVision 2020) General Social Identity Theory and the influence of music on identity-formation General Dīvide et imperā – Divide and rule General Immanuel Kant: Sapere aude! (Dare to think for yourself) General Prof. Noam Chomsky on the illegitimate arrest of Julian Assange General Phone Hackers: Britain’s Secret Surveillance General Tu quoque fallacy- Appeal to hypocrisy (personal inconsistency) General Power structure analysis General Internal vs. external coöptation General Habituation & moral apathy General Psychological Reactance General Nescience vs. ignorance (on semantics and moral accountability) General Argumentum ad lapidem – Appeal to the stone General Ignoratio elenchi – Missing the point History Rhode Island Geoengineering Act 2017 General Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker General Analysis of the personality of Adolph Hitler Cognitive science José Delgado, implants, and electromagnetic mind control: Stopping the furious Bull General 10 arguments for deleting your ‘social’ media accounts right now – Jaron Lanier General Conférence avec Edward Snowden (Taking individual risk for the greater good) Cognitive science The nucleus accumbens, dopamine, and social learning Books Prof. Rainer Mausfeld – Neoliberal indoctrination: Why do the lambs remain silent? Anthropology Erich Fromm – Disobedience: A Moral or Psychological Problem (1962) Cognitive science Wake up: The ‘Ascending reticular activating system’ (ARAS) and its role in consciousness & attention Cognitive science Killing babies in incubators – The fake Nayirah testimony (PR PsyOp) Anthropology The British Raj in India Education Satyāgraha Anthropology Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time Cognitive science On boiling frogs & bold men Anthropology H.G. Wells – The new world order Anthropology The opportunistic marketable/salable character History Origins of the “conspiracy meme” Cognitive science Parapsychology: CIA testing Uri Geller Cognitive science Cognitive dispossession Philosophy The Analects of Confucius General The “Straw man fallacy” Cognitive science Change blindness Anthropology Coup d’état General Professor Noam Chomsky Anthropology Bertrand Russel – The scientific outlook General Skull & Bones society Cognitive science The structure of power Books Testing Theories of American Politics Cognitive science Supernormal stimuli Documentary Silvio Gesell and the monetary system Anthropology Julius Cæsar’s “Panem et circenses” History Hitler’s “Mass Suggestion” General Why do the lambs remain silent? General psychology The enemies of freedom Education Aldous Huxley – Brave new world General psychology X Club Primary documents Operation Northwoods Documentary Assault on the male Art The Scream – Edvard Munch (1893) Economics The world according to Monsanto Anthropology Anthropocene epoch Politics KUBARK – U.S. Army Torture Manuals Psychopolitics Camp Delta Standard Operating Procedure Neuropolitics “Deep-Interrogation” – A euphemism for torture Software The Internet Archive General Read the hidden fine print of your mobile phone Education David Hume – “Essays Moral, Political, Literary” (1777) Books The Age of Acquiescence: The Life and Death of American Resistance to Organized Wealth and Power Cognitive science Ludwig Wittgenstein – Aspect Blindness General psychology John Dewey – Our unfree Press (1961) General psychology APA & CIA Politics Rockefeller Report (1994) General Full spectrum dominance Education Bertrand Russel on education and freedom of thought Politics Hannah Arendt General YouTube warns: #Saveyourinternet Cognitive science Daniel Kahneman – Nobel lecture General Harold Pinter – Nobel Lecture General Pictorial sedation for the public mind: Merkel & Obama at G7 General The term “conspiracy theory” as a psycholinguistic tool for memetic hegemony General The art of deception General Fake news? General American psychological association & CIA: Science of Deception Workshop General Martin Luther King General Nelson Mandela General Invisible facts and perceptual illusions – David Copperfield vanishing the Statue of Liberty General Framing General Ebbinghaus illusion General Lumen naturale General Structural violence General Theater History of Operations Reports (THOR) Software Freenom world anonymous DNS resolver Anthropology Plato’s Allegory of the Cave Anthropology Barack Obama – Freedom is not free General Ramstein: US military bases in Germany General Edward Snowden General Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion General Edgar Hoover General Julian Assange Software grepWin: Regular expression search within large text corpora General On Cognitive Liberty by Richard Glen Boire General Mental self-defense 101: A primer on psychological resilience and self-control Cognitive science Manufacturing consensus Cognitive science Impression management Politics Bilderberg conference Legal Psychoactive substances act (United Kingdom 2016) Cognitive science Inattentional blindness Cognitive science Epistemology Cognitive science Metacognition – Thinking about thinking Cognitive science List of cognitive biases General Red Herring strategy/fallacy General List of logical fallacies General Hieronymus Bosch – Sleights of hand, sleights of mind General Autonomy and autodidactism Anthropology Tavistock institute for human relations General Dwight D. Eisenhower Farewell Address – ‘Military Industrial Complex’ General Cass Sunstein – Cognitive infiltration Anthropology Social engineering Anthropology The next million years by Charles Galton Darwin Anthropology Julian Huxley, UNESCO, and Eugenics General Darwin-Huxley-Garlton-Wedgewood ‘s genealogy General Plutocracy/Elitism Neuroscience State Terrorism as a tool for social control General Genetic factors involved in psychopathy Anthropology Weaponized anthropology General Euphemisms/Orwellian Newspeak Anthropology Intellectual covering General CIA program MK-Ultra General Orwell’s unpublished preface to Animal Farm General Aldous Huxley – The Ultimate Revolution (Berkeley Speech 1962) General psychology Psychopolitics Cognitive science Trivium & Quadrivium Cognitive science Bordieu’s Habitus & Hexis General Fractional Reserve Banking as Economic Parasitism Cognitive science Solom Aschs studies of conformity Cognitive science The limbic system Cognitive science Prefrontal top-down regulation Cognitive science Executive functions Cognitive science Self-control General Behavioral economics General Erich Fromm: To have or to be General Ostracism General Groupthink General Wikipedia “edit wars” General Johann Wolfgang von Goethe General Confirmation bias General Conformity General Obedience to authority General Nudging General Heuristics & Biases General Terror management theory Cognitive science Dual-process theory General Belief bias Cognitive science Elaboration likelihood model General Walter Lippmann General Edwards Bernays General Manufacturing consent Documentary Chomsky & Herman propaganda model General Academic freedom General Useful privacy links General Privacy software Contextually related entries:Home