“Just as the Indian was branded a savage beast to justify his exploitation, so those who have sought social guerrillas, or terrorists, or drug dealers, or whatever the current term of art may be.” (Piero Gleijeses, as cited by Noam Chomsky)
Further References
Introduction: Critical Perspectives on Terrorism
Pat Lauderdale, Annamarie Oliverio
Terror as Strategy and Relational Process
Charles Tilly
New Directions for Terrorism Research
Albert J. Bergesen, Yi Han
Terror, Media, and Moral Boundaries
Nachman Ben-Yehuda
State Torture in the Contemporary World
Irwin M. Cohen, Raymond R. Corrado
Civil society and exposure to domestic terrorist attacks: Evidence from a cross-national quanti…
Andrew P Davis, Yongjun Zhang
Book review: The spectacular few: Prisoner radicalization and the evolving terrorist threat
Michael Blain
Book review: Phases of Terrorism in the Age of Globalization: From Christopher Columbus to Osam…
Ramsey Dahab
‘Time and Tide…’: Rejoinder to Abbott, Charrad, Goldstone, Mahoney, Riley, Roy,…
Julia Adams, Elisabeth S. Clemens, Ann Shola Orloff
Waves of Comparative and Historical Sociology
Mounira M. Charrad
On Waves of Historical Sociology
William H. Sewell
‘Foreigners’, Nationalism and the ‘Colonial Fracture’: Stigmatized …
Geoffroy de Laforcade
A History and Sociology of Historical Sociology
Jack A. Goldstone
Field of Dreams: Cultures of Scholarship and Public Policy on Race in the United States
David Theo Goldberg, Ramón Grosfoguel, Eric Mielants
Terrorism and state repression of human rights: A cross-national time-series analysis
Eran Shor, Jason Charmichael, Jose Ignacio Nazif Munoz, John Shandra, Michael Schwartz
Change Scores, Composites and Reliability Issues in Cross-National Development …
Byron L. Davis, Edward L. Kick, Thomas J. Burns
Book Review: The ‘New’ World Order?
Eric Mielants
Book review: William I. Robinson, Latin America and Global Capitalism: A Critical Globalization…
David Martin, Raúl Delgado Wise
Modern Times: Discipling the Third Wave
Elizabeth Wingrove
Remembering Andre Gunder Frank
Immanuel Wallerstein
Foreign Investment and Disparities in Economic Development and Poverty Reduction: A Comparative…
Harold Kerbo
World-Systems Analysis after Thirty Years: Should it Rest in Peace?
Stephen K. Sanderson
There are no Minorities Here: Cultures of Scholarship and Public Debate on Immigrants and Integ…
Valérie Amiraux, Patrick Simon
Early 40s and Still Unmarried: A Continuing Trend in Thailand
Lindy Williams, Philip Guest, Anchalee Varangrat
Contemporary Work Values in Africa and Europe: Comparing Orientations to Work in African and Eu…
Loek Halman, Hans Müller
Movement Frames and African Women’s Explanations for Opposing Female Genital Cutting
Elizabeth Heger Boyle, Kristin Carbone-López
A cross-national analysis of physical intimate partner violence against women
Yunus Kaya, Kimberly J Cook
Book Review: Power in the Global Age, by Ulrich Beck, 2006. Malden, MA: Polity Press. ISBN: 074…
Martin Albrow
Differences in Individualistic and Collectivistic Tendencies among College Students in Japan an…
Emiko Kobayashi, Harold R. Kerbo, Susan F. Sharp
Rethinking Global Commodity Chains: Integrating Extraction, Transport, and Manufacturing
Paul Ciccantell, David A. Smith
Book review: Globalization, fear and insecurity: The challenges for cities north and south
Romain Cames
Speaking of Globalization: Frame Analysis and the World Society
Elizabeth Helen Essary
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