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- A brief definition of “cognitive liberty” (Sententia, 2004)
- A Conversation with Russel Means
- A History of Freedom of Thought (Bury, 1923)
- A pertinent passage from George Orwell’s 1984
- ABC Fake News – Syria Bombing
- Abuse of authority by the UN: Sexual exploitation and abuse of children covered up
- Academic freedom
- AI on cognitive liberty: Navigating the Frontiers of Cognitive Liberty and Expanding Consciousness
- Alan Watt on Margret Sanger
- Albert Pike’s vision of three world wars (1871)
- Aldous Huxley – Brave new world
- Aldous Huxley – The Ultimate Revolution (Berkeley Speech 1962)
- Aldous Huxley (Moksha, 1977): No more thinking – Everybody’s Happy Now
- Alexa
- Alfred Kinsey – Sexual behavior in children (empirical sexology)
- Amazon Web Services Cloud Platform: Termes of service 42.10
- American psychological association & CIA: Science of Deception Workshop
- Analysis of the personality of Adolph Hitler
- Annie Jacobsen: Inside DARPA – The Pentagon’s Brain
- Anthropocene epoch
- Aquinas’ Moral, Political, and Legal Philosophy
- Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth
- Argumentum ad lapidem – Appeal to the stone
- Assault on the male
- Autonomy and autodidactism
- Axiology & Agathology
- Barack Obama – Freedom is not free
- Battle For The Mind – The Mechanics of Indoctrination, Brainwashing and Thought Control – by William Sargant (1957)
- Behavioral economics
- Belief bias
- Bertrand Russel – The scientific outlook
- Bertrand Russel on education and freedom of thought
- Bertrand Russell: Proposed Roads to Freedom
- Big lies: A propaganda device par excellence
- Bilderberg conference
- Bordieu’s Habitus & Hexis
- Brain Recording, Mind-Reading, and Neurotechnology
- Brain Science from Bench to Battlefield: The Realities – and Risks – of Neuroweapons | CGSR Seminar
- Call on Congress to Create Modern Day Church Committee
- Camp Delta Standard Operating Procedure
- Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker
- Cass Sunstein – Cognitive infiltration
- CDC – Fertility Rates USA (2005-2021)
- Change blindness
- Chomsky & Herman propaganda model
- Christopher Simpson: Americas Recruitment of Nazis
- CIA program MK-Ultra
- Cognitive biases (availability heuristic, framing, base-rate neglect, false positive paradox)
- Cognitive dispossession
- Colonel Vladimir Kvachkov on Covid and depopulation
- Confirmation bias
- Conformity
- Conférence avec Edward Snowden (Taking individual risk for the greater good)
- Corona propaganda & Vaccination plans
- Corona related patents (injectable devices, nanoscale wires, neural probes)
- Coup d’état
- Covid “vaccine” expert testimony: UK partliament (Dec 4, 2023)
- Covid propaganda as a trailblazer for the totalitarian transhumanist agenda
- Credit Suisse Research Institute “Global Wealth Report” (2018)
- CRISPR-Cas9 Nobel Lecture: Emmanuelle Charpentier, Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2020
- Cybernetics: The science of steering systems
- Daniel Kahneman – Nobel lecture
- Dark Winter: A Bioterrorism Exercise in 2001
- DARPA Next-Generation Nonsurgical Neurotechnology (N3) program
- Darwin-Huxley-Garlton-Wedgewood ‘s genealogy
- Das Bild der Tuberkulose im Film „Robert Koch – Bekämpfer des Todes
- Data dredging (aka. p-hacking)
- David Hume – “Essays Moral, Political, Literary” (1777)
- David Rockefeller thanks the media
- DDT (Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane): An experiment on the masses
- Deepfakes with AI
- Disease Mongering: Of Sophists and Spin-Doctors
- Dr. Charles Morgan on Psycho-Neurobiology and War
- Dr. Charles Morgan on Psycho-Neurobiology and War
- Dr. Craig Venter: Computer-generated synthetic life
- Dr. Henry Kissinger with Eric Schmidt | Talks at Google
- Dr. Herbert Krugman (1969): Watching television induces alpha brain waves (similar to hypnosis)
- Dr. John Coleman: The committee of 300
- Dr. Peter Breggin (MD) – Psychiatry, neurosurgery, psychopharmacology and mind control politics
- Dr. Peter Duesberg: The HIV-AIDS Hypothesis – 30 Years Later
- Dr. Poornima Wagh
- Dr. Robert Willner Accused Anthony Fauci of Genocide during the AIDS “Pandemic” (30 Yrs. Ago)
- Dr. Steven M. Greer: The unacknowledged threat secret and covert operations by the USA
- Drosten retraction-request letter
- Dual-process theory
- Dwight D. Eisenhower Farewell Address – ‘Military Industrial Complex’
- Dīvide et imperā – Divide and rule
- Ebbinghaus illusion
- Edgar Hoover
- Edible plants as oral “vaccines”
- Edward Snowden
- Edwards Bernays
- Effectiveness of masks to prevent SARS-CoV-2: A Randomized Controlled Trial
- Effects of trauma on personality and genetics
- Einstein’s opposition against Operation Paperclip
- Elaboration likelihood model
- Encyclopædic hegemony: On the dominance of Wikipedia
- Enforcing Social Conformity: A Theory of Authoritarianism
- Epistemology
- Erich Fromm – Disobedience: A Moral or Psychological Problem (1962)
- Erich Fromm: To have or to be
- EU Vaccines Strategy
- Euphemisms/Orwellian Newspeak
- Ex CIA discussing pedophilia and adrenochrome
- Executive functions
- Fake news?
- Fast Face-swap Using Convolutional Neural Networks
- Fifth-generation warfare (5GW)
- Fifty Years Later: The Significance of the Nuremberg Code
- Finnis on Liberty
- Flipping a switch inside the head: Radio-operated remote control of neuronal activity
- Fluoride use by pregnant women linked to childhood behavioural problems
- Fractional Reserve Banking as Economic Parasitism
- Framing
- Freenom world anonymous DNS resolver
- From PSYOP to MindWar: The Psychology of Victory
- Full spectrum dominance
- Full spectrum dominance (JointVision 2020)
- Genetic factors involved in psychopathy
- German post-war “re-education”
- Google’s Whitepaper on the “fight” of disinformation
- Graphene and the “Human Brain Project”
- Graphene biointerfaces for optical stimulation of cells
- Graphene – the perfect atomic lattice (Nobel lecture by Prof. Konstantin Novoselov)
- grepWin: Regular expression search within large text corpora
- Group Life COVID-19 Mortality Survey Report
- Groupthink
- H.G. Wells – The new world order
- Habituation & moral apathy
- Hail Hydra (Hydra vulgaris)
- Hannah Arendt
- Hannah Arendt: Eichmann in Jerusalem. A Report on the Banality of Evil
- Harold Pinter – Nobel Lecture
- Hegelian dialectic and social/attitudinal polarisation
- Herman Kahn’s escalation ladder
- Heuristics & Biases
- Hieronymus Bosch – Sleights of hand, sleights of mind
- Hitler’s “Mass Suggestion”
- Hormesis in toxicology
- Human Augmentation – The Dawn of a New Paradigm
- Humes’ is-ought problem
- IBM: Computerised crimes against humanity
- Identity politics and SIT (Social Identity Theory)
- IgG4 Antibodies Induced by Repeated Vaccination May Generate Immune Tolerance to the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein
- Ignoratio elenchi – Missing the point
- Immanuel Kant: Sapere aude! (Dare to think for yourself)
- Immunization Via Mosquito Bite With Radiation-attenuated Sporozoites (IMRAS)
- Impression management
- Improved Humans & Directed Evolution
- In vivo gene editing
- Inattentional blindness
- Inattentional blindness: The 5G rollout and its ramifications
- Inducing Resistance to Conspiracy Theory Propaganda: Testing Inoculation and Metainoculation Strategies
- Institutional betrayal trauma
- Intellectual covering
- Interdisciplinary richness
- Internal vs. external coöptation
- Invisible facts and perceptual illusions – David Copperfield vanishing the Statue of Liberty
- J. Edgar Hoover on “monstrous conspiracy and morality”
- Jean Baudrillard, Libération 1991, La Guerre du Golfe n’a pas eu lieu
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
- John Dewey – Our unfree Press (1961)
- Joseph Goebbels principles of propaganda
- José Delgado, implants, and electromagnetic mind control: Stopping the furious Bull
- Julian Assange
- Julian Huxley, UNESCO, and Eugenics
- Julius Cæsar’s “Panem et circenses”
- Kary Mullis – full interview from 1996 (“You can’t expect the sheep to really respect the best & the brightest”)
- Killing babies in incubators – The fake Nayirah testimony (PR PsyOp)
- Koch’s postulates & Bradford Hill criteria for causative epidemiologic evidence
- Kontaktverbot ist verfassungswidrig (Amtgericht Weimar, Urteil vom 11. Januar 2021)
- KUBARK – U.S. Army Torture Manuals
- Magnetic control of the nervous system (vs. Optogenetics & Chemogenetics)
- Manufacturing consensus
- Manufacturing consent
- Martin Luther King
- Mental self-defense 101: A primer on psychological resilience and self-control
- Metacognition – Thinking about thinking
- MetaDTA: Diagnostic Test Accuracy Meta-Analysis v2.0
- Microplastic in human testis
- Minding Rights: Mapping Ethical and Legal Foundations of ‘Neurorights’
- MKNAOMI – Biological warefare
- Morgenthau Plan: Vindictive revenge via mass-trauma
- mRNA ≠ modRNA
- Murderous medicine: Nazi doctors, human experimentation, and Typhus
- Nano Machines for Ultimate Control of False Memories
- Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno (NBIC) technologies
- NASA – Future strategic issues and warfare
- NASA Apollo 40th Anniversary Press Conference
- National Security Study Memorandum: The Kissinger report (declassified)
- NATO & Cognitive Warfare
- Nelson Mandela
- Neonatal tetanus campaign in Kenya (induced infertility)
- Nescience vs. ignorance (on semantics and moral accountability)
- Neuralink – a chronically implanted (hackable) cortical neuroprosthetic device
- Neuromodulation techniques: A synoptic overview
- Neuroweapons & neurohacking (dual-use neuroscience)
- Nobel laureate Kary Mullis on “global warming”
- Norbert Wiener, Cybernetics: Or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine (1948)
- Nudging
- Obedience to authority
- On boiling frogs & bold men
- On Cognitive Liberty by Richard Glen Boire
- On ‘modified human agents’: John Lilly and the paranoid style in American neuroscience
- Onus Probandi: Lawsuit Wodarg CoV2-PCR
- Operation Mind Control (Bowart, 1978)
- Operation Mockingbird
- Operation Moonshot: UK Government plans up to 10 million covid-19 tests a day
- Operation Northwoods
- Operation Sea-Spray (U.S. Navy secret biological warfare experiment using Serratia marcescens and Bacillus globigii bacteria)
- Origins of the “conspiracy meme”
- Orwell’s unpublished preface to Animal Farm
- Oshō on the liberty and happiness of children
- Ostracism
- Owning the weather: US Airforce document on geoengineering with “stratospheric aerosol injection” (SAI, aka chemtrails)
- Pandemic preparedness and the road to international fascism
- Pandemic simulation games – Preparation for a new era
- Parapsychology: CIA testing Uri Geller
- PCR-test cannot be used to diagnose Covid (or any other viral) infections
- Phone Hackers: Britain’s Secret Surveillance
- Pictorial sedation for the public mind: Merkel & Obama at G7
- Plato – The Republic
- Plato’s Allegory of the Cave
- Plutocracy/Elitism
- Pont-Saint-Esprit mass poisoning
- Population Density and Social Pathology (Calhoun, 1962)
- Power structure analysis
- Praxeology: A holistic approach to human behaviour
- Prefrontal top-down regulation
- Privacy software
- Prof. Erich Fromm (1966) – The Automaton Citizen & Human Rights
- Prof. Michael A. Persinger: The connectedness of everything
- Prof. Noam Chomsky on the illegitimate arrest of Julian Assange
- Prof. Noam Chomsky on the State-Corporate Complex: A Threat to Freedom and Survival
- Prof. Rainer Mausfeld – Neoliberal indoctrination: Why do the lambs remain silent?
- Prof. Rainer Mausfeld: Fear and Power – The war against “X”
- Prof. Shoshana Zuboff: The Age of Surveillance Capitalism – The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power
- Professor Noam Chomsky
- Propaganda: The Formation of Men’s Attitudes (Jacques Ellul, 1962)
- Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
- Psychiatry and the dark side: Eugenics, Nazi and Soviet psychiatry (Cambridge University Press)
- Psychoactive substances act (United Kingdom 2016)
- Psycholinguistics: The etymology of the word “kid”
- Psychological Reactance
- Psychological warfare methods of the Stasi: Discredeting dissenters by “decomposition”
- Psychological warfare: Weltanschauungskrieg = The war of worldviews
- Psychopolitics
- Racial Hygiene, Eugenics & Geopolitics
- Ramstein: US military bases in Germany
- Ray Kurzweil: Nanobots In Our Bloodstream – Connecting the Brain to WIFI
- Read the hidden fine print of your mobile phone
- Red Herring strategy/fallacy
- Remember the dangers of “global cooling”?
- Rhode Island Geoengineering Act 2017
- Robbers Cave Experiment (classics in social psychology)
- Rockefeller Report (1994)
- Rudolf Steiner on “spiritual vaccination” (1917)
- Satyāgraha
- Scientific America article: Mind Control by Cell Phone
- Self-control
- Sequential & longitudinal transgenerational trauma
- Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars
- Silvio Gesell and the monetary system
- Simulacra and simulation (Jean Baudrillard, 1994)
- Sir Bertrand Russell on the need for transnational propaganda and population reduction by scientific means
- Sir Francis Galton (*1822;†1911): Hereditary Genius
- Sir Graham Wilson: The Hazards of Immunization (1967)
- Skull & Bones society
- Social engineering
- Social Identity Theory (SIT)
- Social Identity Theory and the influence of music on identity-formation
- Soft robots and smart dust
- Solar geoengineering: Dimming the sun to fight “global warming”
- Solom Aschs studies of conformity
- State Terrorism as a tool for social control
- Stimuli-responsive nanoparticles, nanogels and capsules for integrated multifunctional intelligent systems (Review, 2010)
- Structural violence
- Studies on the financial power élite: Behind the façade of democracy
- Study overview: Nanotechnology in Covid-19 “vaccines”
- Subliminal manipulation (documentary)
- Supernormal stimuli
- Surviving Evil: CIA Mind Control Experiments in Vermont
- Tavistock institute for human relations
- Tavistock’s imperial brainwashing project
- Television programming & effective frequency
- Terror management theory
- Terror Management Theory and the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Testing Theories of American Politics
- The [fear/courage] switch in the brain? The ‘Xiphoid Nucleus’
- The ‘Internet of Medical Things’ and Healthcare 4.0:
- The “backfire effect” aka. belief perseverance
- The “Corona Shock-Strategy” of the German Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI)
- The “Straw man fallacy”
- The 5G Trojan Horse
- The Age of Acquiescence: The Life and Death of American Resistance to Organized Wealth and Power
- The Analects of Confucius
- The Apology of Socrates by Plato
- The art of deception
- The British Raj in India
- The Corona Fraud: A crime against humanity with extensive legal consequences
- The enemies of freedom
- The etymological root of the term “Archon”
- The Finders (Tallahassee child abuse case)
- The germ theory of disease: Experiments to determine mode of spread of influenza (Dr. Milton J. Rosenau, 1919)
- The horros of vaccination (1870, Yale medical library)
- The Impact of Science on Society – Bertrand Russell
- The Internet Archive
- The internet of bodies
- The Lancet: Retracted study on Covid vaccine autopsies
- The limbic system
- The Mind Has No Firewall
- The Minimal Group Paradigm
- The myth of data security, data protection & privacy
- The myth of overpopulation
- The need for cognition
- The Network of Global Corporate Control
- The next million years by Charles Galton Darwin
- The nucleus accumbens, dopamine, and social learning
- The Nuremberg Code (German: Nürnberger Kodex) of research ethics principles for human experimentation
- The Office of Special Investigations: Striving for accountability in the Aftermath of the Holocaust
- The opportunistic marketable/salable character
- The Rape of the Mind: The Psychology of Thought Control, Menticide, and Brainwashing (Meerloo, 1961)
- The science of critical thinking
- The Scream – Edvard Munch (1893)
- The Smith–Mundt Act – Legal Propaganda
- The splinternet: Elon Musk’s 42,000 StarLink 5G Satellites (SpaceX)
- The structure of power
- The term “conspiracy theory” as a psycholinguistic tool for memetic hegemony
- The treason of the intellectuals / La trahison des clercs (Julien Benda, 1927)
- The world according to Monsanto
- Theater History of Operations Reports (THOR)
- Thomas Malthus: An Essay on the Principle of Population (1798)
- Thomas Paine: Common Sense (1776)
- Toxic Chemical Geoengineering in the Troposphere: Consequences for Public Health
- Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time
- Trivium & Quadrivium
- Tu quoque fallacy- Appeal to hypocrisy (personal inconsistency)
- Typhus and tyranny: A turbulent history of vaccine research in Nazi-occupied Europe.
- U.S. Special Forces Want to Use Deepfakes for Psy-Ops
- Under Your Skin! Covid-19 vaccines, nano patches, quantum dots, gene guns…
- Understanding Coercive Gradualism
- Undisclosed metallic nanoparticles found in most regular vaccines
- UNESCO, Neuropolitics & Transhumanism
- United States Government official PsyOp manuals
- University of Alaska Fairbanks WTC7 9/11 study
- Useful privacy links
- Useless eaters: Disability as genocidal marker in Nazi Germany
- Wake up: The ‘Ascending reticular activating system’ (ARAS) and its role in consciousness & attention
- Walt Disney and the FBI
- Walter Lippmann
- Water in terrorism
- Weaponized anthropology
- Wearable wireless body-to-body networks, 5G and the internet of things
- Who is Bill Gates?
- WHO’s defining criteria for a pandemic
- Why do the lambs remain silent?
- Wicked problems: The “halting problem” in the social domain
- WiFi radiation banned in France from daycares
- Wikipedia “edit wars”
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