🔊 Read website aloud (Text-to-Speech synthesis) General IBM: Computerised crimes against humanity Cognitive science Operation Mind Control (Bowart, 1978) East Frieze of the Parthenon Anthropology The etymological root of the term “Archon” church comittee General Call on Congress to Create Modern Day Church Committee 475px-Hoover-JEdgar-LOC[1] Education J. Edgar Hoover on “monstrous conspiracy and morality” Anthropology The Impact of Science on Society – Bertrand Russell 1024px-Encyclopedia_Britannica_(crop)[1] Cognitive science Encyclopædic hegemony: On the dominance of Wikipedia h General Analysis of the personality of Adolph Hitler d Cognitive science José Delgado, implants, and electromagnetic mind control: Stopping the furious Bull Mausfeld_Warum schweigen die Laemmer_Buch-Cover Books Prof. Rainer Mausfeld – Neoliberal indoctrination: Why do the lambs remain silent? hqdefault[1] Cognitive science Killing babies in incubators – The fake Nayirah testimony (PR PsyOp) MAU-MAU[1] Anthropology The British Raj in India 51afNeyyWhL._SX346_BO1,204,203,200_[1] Anthropology Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time The_New_World_Order_-_by_H._G._Wells[1] Anthropology H.G. Wells – The new world order iu[1] History Origins of the “conspiracy meme” 1024px-Eugène_Delacroix_-_Le_28_Juillet._La_Liberté_guidant_le_peuple[1] Anthropology Coup d’état eb34b30820f6083ecd0b4401ef444f94eb6ae3d01db2144795f9c070_640[1] Cognitive science The structure of power 9780691162423_0[1] Books Testing Theories of American Politics ed34b30f29f51c3e815b410cee45449efe76e7d11cb9114291f1c3_640[1] Anthropology Julius Cæsar’s “Panem et circenses” 1200x630bb[1] History Hitler’s “Mass Suggestion” Huxley[1] Education Aldous Huxley – Brave new world T.H.Huxley(Woodburytype)[1] General psychology X Club iur[1] General psychology John Dewey – Our unfree Press (1961) iu[1] General psychology APA & CIA cellular-2026427_960_720[1] General The term “conspiracy theory” as a psycholinguistic tool for memetic hegemony free-dove General On Cognitive Liberty by Richard Glen Boire iu[3] Anthropology The next million years by Charles Galton Darwin iur[1] Anthropology Julian Huxley, UNESCO, and Eugenics All Anthropology Art Articles Books Cognitive science Cybernetics Documentary Economics Education Embodied Cognition General General psychology History Legal Logic & Reasoning Monetary system Neuropolitics Neuroscience Philosophy Politics Primary documents Psychiatry Psychopolitics Science Social psychology Sociology Video Contextually related entries:Social Identity Theory (SIT)psychological-science.gaThe Minimal Group ParadigmRobbers Cave Experiment (classics in social psychology)PsychoepistemologyEnforcing Social Conformity: A Theory of Authoritarianismprefrontal-cortex.gaSocial engineeringJohn Dewey - Our unfree Press (1961)From PSYOP to MindWar: The Psychology of Victorythought.tkvisual-perception.ga
1024px-Encyclopedia_Britannica_(crop)[1] Cognitive science Encyclopædic hegemony: On the dominance of Wikipedia
d Cognitive science José Delgado, implants, and electromagnetic mind control: Stopping the furious Bull
Mausfeld_Warum schweigen die Laemmer_Buch-Cover Books Prof. Rainer Mausfeld – Neoliberal indoctrination: Why do the lambs remain silent?
51afNeyyWhL._SX346_BO1,204,203,200_[1] Anthropology Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time
eb34b30820f6083ecd0b4401ef444f94eb6ae3d01db2144795f9c070_640[1] Cognitive science The structure of power
ed34b30f29f51c3e815b410cee45449efe76e7d11cb9114291f1c3_640[1] Anthropology Julius Cæsar’s “Panem et circenses”
cellular-2026427_960_720[1] General The term “conspiracy theory” as a psycholinguistic tool for memetic hegemony