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WiFi radiation banned in France from daycares

N° 2065 – Enregistré à la Présidence de l’Assemblée nationale le 26 juin 2014.

relative à la sobriété, à la transparence, à l’information  et à la concertation en matière d’exposition aux ondes électromagnétiques,

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has confirmed that radiofrequency electromagnetic fields can be carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B). Wireless phone use has been linked to an increased risk for brain cancer. The National Agency Health Safety of Food, Environment and Labour (ANSES) has also recommended to limit exposure of the population to radiofrequencies – especially from mobile phones – and especially for children and heavy users.

What is even more worrying is that exposure to such radiations isn’t limited to Wi-Fi but every other gadget that you and your child love so much – cell phones, cordless phones, wireless laptops, routers, electronic devices…even electrical wiring, smart meters and phone towers! Taking a strong, proactive step to minimise damage, the French National Assembly in January 29, 2015 passed a national law to reduce exposure to wireless radiation and electromagnetic fields. While Wi-Fi and wireless devices have been completely banned in nurseries and daycare centres, their use has also been severely restricted in schools for children up to 11 years.


In fact, after this disturbing finding, even India has started taking emergency steps. The Rajasthan High Court, for instance, has directed telecom service providers to remove towers that are near schools, hospitals and play grounds. Such actions are, as PRIARTEM, France’s association for the regulation of mobile phone base stations, points out – “A first step in the legal recognition of the need to regulate the development of mobile phone communications and all wireless applications. This legislative effort must be an encouragement to go further in protecting people.”


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