Why do the lambs remain silent?

On democracy, psychology, and the ruling elite’s methods for managing public
opinion as well as public indignation

Assault on the male

The world according to Monsanto

Note: Monsanto has been taken over by BAYER

Monsanto is being is indicted for distribution the carcinogenic agent Glyphosate. The lead case is 3:16-md-02741-VC. The first trial in the federal court is set for Feb. 25, 2019 in the U.S. District Court in San Francisco  In total, there are 580 lawsuits pending against Monsanto.

URL: usrtk.org/pesticides/mdl-monsanto-glyphosate-cancer-case-key-documents-analysis/

The Guardian stated the following:

“The internal correspondence noted by Johnson could support a jury finding that Monsanto has long been aware of the risk that its glyphosate-based herbicides are carcinogenic … but has continuously sought to influence the scientific literature to prevent its internal concerns from reaching the public sphere and to bolster its defenses in products liability actions,” Karnow wrote. “Thus there are triable issues of material fact.”

Monsanto “championed falsified data and attacked legitimate studies” that revealed dangers of its herbicides, and led a “prolonged campaign of misinformation” to convince government agencies, farmers and consumers that Roundup was safe, according to Johnson’s lawsuit.

URL: www.theguardian.com/business/2018/may/22/monsanto-trial-cancer-weedkiller-roundup-dewayne-johnson

Interesting Monsanto used web-based propagandistic/psychological methods to systematically conceal the risks. My own article was also downplayed by internet trolls but I cited numerous scientific references to which they did not respond. Unfortunately the article is no longer online. You might also remember the reaction of the university…

Biotech giant Monsanto is being accused of hiring, through third parties, an army of Internet trolls to counter negative comments, while citing positive “ghost-written” pseudo-scientific reports which downplay the potential risks of their products.

On a larger scale, Monsanto allegedly

“quietly funnels money to ‘think tanks’ such as the ‘Genetic Literacy Project’ and the ‘American Council on Science and Health”– organizations intended to shame scientists and highlight information helpful to Monsanto and other chemical producers,” according to the plaintiffs.

URL: www.globalresearch.ca/monsanto-accused-of-hiring-army-of-trolls-to-silence-online-dissent-court-papers/5588396

As with radiation, the irreversible long term consequences of the detrimental genetic effects are especially worrisome (particularly from an evolutionary point of view). Unfortunately, the genetic aspects are not really mentioned in the current debate.

Here are some references I collected back then:

  • Glyphosate-based herbicides are toxic and endocrine disruptors in human cell lines. URL: tinyurl.com/lmaamqv
  • Glyphosate-based pesticides affect cell cycle regulation. URL: tinyurl.com/gsd5uyx
  • Pesticide Roundup provokes cell division dysfunction at the level of CDK1/cyclin B activation. URL:tinyurl.com/gowx3e4
  • Time- and dose-dependent effects of roundup on human embryonic and placental cells. URL: tinyurl.com/hq8p5eu
  • A glyphosate-based herbicide induces necrosis and apoptosis in mature rat testicular cells in vitro, and testosterone decrease at lower levels. URL: tinyurl.com/j6zlyj9
  • Differential Effects of Glyphosate and Roundup on Human Placental Cells and Aromatase URL:tinyurl.com/myqetcu
  • Formulated Glyphosate Activates the DNA-Response Checkpoint of the Cell Cycle Leading to the Prevention of G2/M Transition URL: tinyurl.com/zyrn5vk
  • Glyphosate, pathways to modern diseases II: Celiac sprue and gluten intolerance URL: tinyurl.com/nyffvrz
  • Glyphosate, pathways to modern diseases III: Manganese, neurological diseases, and associated pathologies URL: tinyurl.com/qal6vjk

Read the hidden fine print of your mobile phone

Instructions for reducing cell phone radiation exposure are simple – if you’re able to find them.
See them here, straight from the user manuals. www.showthefineprint.org/see-the-fine-print

The Age of Acquiescence: The Life and Death of American Resistance to Organized Wealth and Power

1321450 Steve Fraser The Age of Acquiescence: The Life and Death of American Resistance to Organized Wealth and Power
0316185434, 9780316185431

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Full spectrum dominance

Bertrand Russel on education and freedom of thought

Free thought and official propaganda : delivered at South Place Institute on March 24, 1922

“Manwhile the whole machinery of the State, in all the different countries, is  turned on to making defenceless children believe absurd propositions the effect of which is to make them willing to die in defence of sinister interests under the impression that they are fighting for truth and right. This is only one of countless ways in which education is designed, not to give true knowledge, but to make the people pliable to the will of their masters. Without an elaborate system of deceit in the elementary schools it would be impossible to preserve the camouflage of democracy.
… It must not be supposed that the officials in charge of education desire the young to become educated. On the contrary, their problem is to impart information without imparting intelli- gence. Education should have two objects : first, to give definite knowledge — reading and writing, languages and mathematics, and so on ; secondly, to create those mental habits which will enable people to acquire knowledge and form sound judgments for themselves. The first of these we may call information, the second intelligence. The utility of information is admitted practically as well as theoretically ; without a literate population a modern State is impossible. But the utility of intelligence is admitted only theoretically, not practically ; it is not desired that ordinary people should think for themselves, because it is felt that people who think for themselves are awkward to manage and cause administrative difficulties. Only the guardians, in Plato‘s language, are to think ; the rest are to obey, or to follow leaders like a herd of sheep. This doctrine, often unconsciously, has survived the introduction of political democracy, and has radically vitiated all national systems of education.

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YouTube warns: #Saveyourinternet

YouTube states:
“Article 13, as written by the European Parliament, will create large unintended (???) consequences for everyone. Let’s come together for a better solution.” (content in brackets added)

Further YouTube states:

“Article 13 – There’s a better way
Article 13 is part of European copyright legislation created with the intent to better protect creativity and find effective ways for copyright holders to protect their content online.

We support the goals of Article 13, but the version written by the European Parliament could have large unintended consequences that would change the web as we know it.”


cf. Fragmented information and seeing the “bigger picture”

see also Framing

see also Propaganda Model by Chomsky and Hermans

There’s a better way. Learn more and make your voice heard.

Harold Pinter – Nobel Lecture


Steven H., G.. (1975). Harold Pinter. Notes and Queries

Plain numerical DOI: 10.1093/nq/22-6-269
directSciHub download

Pinter, H.. (2006). Art, Truth & Politics. Pmla

Plain numerical DOI: 10.1632/003081206X142904
directSciHub download

Chui, J. W. Y.. (2013). Affirming the absurd in harold pinter. Affirming the Absurd in Harold Pinter

Plain numerical DOI: 10.1057/9781137343079
directSciHub download

Marowitz, C., & Trussler, S.. (2009). Harold Pinter, 1930–2008. New Theatre Quarterly

Plain numerical DOI: 10.1017/S0266464X09000013
directSciHub download

Banerjee, A.. (2008). Life and Work of Harold Pinter. English Studies

Plain numerical DOI: 10.1080/00138380802253030
directSciHub download

Cohen, J.. (2009). Truth and public reason. Philosophy and Public Affairs

Plain numerical DOI: 10.1111/j.1088-4963.2008.01144.x
directSciHub download

Benet, C.. (2009). In a room with Harold Pinter. Contemporary Theatre Review

Plain numerical DOI: 10.1080/10486800902815591
directSciHub download

Raby, P.. (2009). The Cambridge Companion to Harold Pinter, Second edition. The Cambridge Companion to Harold Pinter, Second Edition

Plain numerical DOI: 10.1017/CCOL9780521886093
directSciHub download

Hall, P.. (2009). Directing the plays of Harold Pinter. In The Cambridge Companion to Harold Pinter, Second Edition

Plain numerical DOI: 10.1017/CCOL9780521886093.011
directSciHub download

Germanou, M.. (2013). “The dead are still looking at us”: Harold Pinter, the spectral face, and human rights. New Theatre Quarterly

Plain numerical DOI: 10.1017/S0266464X13000687
directSciHub download

Pictorial sedation for the public mind: Merkel & Obama at G7

A picture speaks more than thousand words – especially when it is carefully stages. Merkel is clearly in charge and everyting is “really” okay…
Dont’t worry – be happy!