A History of Freedom of Thought (Bury, 1923)

URL: archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.90642

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Brain Recording, Mind-Reading, and Neurotechnology

Further References

Magnetic control of the nervous system (vs. Optogenetics & Chemogenetics)

Christiansen, M. G., Senko, A. W., & Anikeeva, P.. (2019). Magnetic Strategies for Nervous System Control. Annual Review of Neuroscience

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Wheeler, M. A., Smith, C. J., Ottolini, M., Barker, B. S., Purohit, A. M., Grippo, R. M., … Güler, A. D.. (2016). Genetically targeted magnetic control of the nervous system. Nature Neuroscience

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Adamczyk, A. K., & Zawadzki, P.. (2020). The Memory-Modifying Potential of Optogenetics and the Need for Neuroethics. NanoEthics

Plain numerical DOI: 10.1007/s11569-020-00377-1
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Kole, K., Zhang, Y., Jansen, E. J. R., Brouns, T., Bijlsma, A., Calcini, N., … Celikel, T.. (2020). Assessing the utility of Magneto to control neuronal excitability in the somatosensory cortex. Nature Neuroscience

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Keifer, O., Kambara, K., Lau, A., Makinson, S., & Bertrand, D.. (2020). Chemogenetics a robust approach to pharmacology and gene therapy. Biochemical Pharmacology

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Magnus, C. J., Lee, P. H., Bonaventura, J., Zemla, R., Gomez, J. L., Ramirez, M. H., … Sternson, S. M.. (2019). Ultrapotent chemogenetics for research and potential clinical applications. Science

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Poth, K. M., Texakalidis, P., & Boulis, N. M.. (2021). Chemogenetics: Beyond Lesions and Electrodes. Neurosurgery

Plain numerical DOI: 10.1093/neuros/nyab147
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Vlasov, K., Van Dort, C. J., & Solt, K.. (2018). Optogenetics and Chemogenetics. In Methods in Enzymology

Plain numerical DOI: 10.1016/bs.mie.2018.01.022
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Aldous Huxley (Moksha, 1977): No more thinking – Everybody’s Happy Now

meditate, woman, yoga

No more thinking – just obey and conform

Everybody’s Happy Now
No more Mammy, no more Pappy:
Ain’t we lucky, ain’t we happy?
Everybody’s oh so happy,
Everybody’s happy now!
Sex galore, but no more marriages;
No more pushing baby carriages;
No one has to change a nappy
Ain’t we lucky, ain’t we happy:
Everybody’s happy now.
Dope for tea and dope for dinner,
Fun all night, and love and laughter;
No remorse, no morning after.
Where’s the sin, and who’s the sinner?
Everybody’s happy now!
Girls pneumatic, girls exotic,
Girls ecstatic, girls erotic
Hug me, Baby; make it snappy.
Everybody’s oh so happy,
Everybody’s happy now!
Lots to eat and hours for drinking
Soma cocktails–no more thinking.
~ Aldous Huxley

Aldous Huxley – a Fabian socialist advocating mind-control (a wolf in sheep’s clothing)

Graphene and the “Human Brain Project”

“Graphene” will investigate and exploit the unique properties of a revolutionary carbon-based material. Graphene is an extraordinary combination of physical and chemical properties: it is the thinnest material, it conducts electricity much better than copper, it is 100-300 times stronger than steel and it has unique optical properties. The use of graphene was made possible by European scientists in 2004, and the substance is set to become the wonder material of the 21st century, as plastics were to the 20th century, including by replacing silicon in ICT products.

Further References

Lin, H. Y., Nurunnabi, M., Chen, W. H., & Huang, C. H.. (2019). Graphene in neuroscience. In Biomedical Applications of Graphene and 2D Nanomaterials

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Perini, G., Palmieri, V., Ciasca, G., De Spirito, M., & Papi, M.. (2020). Unravelling the potential of graphene quantum dots in biomedicine and neuroscience. International Journal of Molecular Sciences

Plain numerical DOI: 10.3390/ijms21103712
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Orecchioni, M., Bordoni, V., Fuoco, C., Reina, G., Lin, H., Zoccheddu, M., … Delogu, L. G.. (2020). Toward High-Dimensional Single-Cell Analysis of Graphene Oxide Biological Impact: Tracking on Immune Cells by Single-Cell Mass Cytometry. Small

Plain numerical DOI: 10.1002/smll.202000123
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Song, Q., Jiang, Z., Li, N., Liu, P., Liu, L., Tang, M., & Cheng, G.. (2014). Anti-inflammatory effects of three-dimensional graphene foams cultured with microglial cells. Biomaterials

Plain numerical DOI: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2014.05.002
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Kitko, K. E., & Zhang, Q.. (2019). Graphene-based nanomaterials: From production to integration with modern tools in neuroscience. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience

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Garcia-Cortadella, R., Schwesig, G., Jeschke, C., Illa, X., Gray, A. L., Savage, S., … Garrido, J. A.. (2021). Graphene active sensor arrays for long-term and wireless mapping of wide frequency band epicortical brain activity. Nature Communications

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Cherian, R. S., Sandeman, S., Ray, S., Savina, I. N., Ashtami, J., & Mohanan, P. V.. (2019). Green synthesis of Pluronic stabilized reduced graphene oxide: Chemical and biological characterization. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces

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Rauti, R., Secomandi, N., Martín, C., Bosi, S., Severino, F. P. U., Scaini, D., … Ballerini, L.. (2020). Tuning Neuronal Circuit Formation in 3D Polymeric Scaffolds by Introducing Graphene at the Bio/Material Interface. Advanced Biosystems

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Thunemann, M., Lu, Y., Liu, X., Klllç, K., Desjardins, M., Vandenberghe, M., … Kuzum, D.. (2018). Deep 2-photon imaging and artifact-free optogenetics through transparent graphene microelectrode arrays. Nature Communications

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Garcia-Cortadella, R., Schäfer, N., Cisneros-Fernandez, J., Ré, L., Illa, X., Schwesig, G., … Guimerà-Brunet, A.. (2020). Switchless multiplexing of graphene active sensor arrays for brain mapping. Nano Letters

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Nano Machines for Ultimate Control of False Memories

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