Step 1: This script enables you to retrieve the HTML code and all its links from an arbitrary website.
Step 2: After collecting the links from the HTML code obtained in Step 1, you can extract the code from all the links and merge it into one aggregated code block.
Step 3: In the final step, you can automatically extract all email addresses found in the merged code block obtained in the previous step.
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This script thus allows you to easily extract all email addresses from a webpage and its associated deep links. This is achieved via PHP and JavaScript, i.e., mainly via DOMXPath::query() and preg_match(). You can then use Proton Mail, for example, to send emails anonymously to the extracted addresses. Of course, VPN and/or TOR are always recommended when anonymity is important. Tails OS is even better for anonymous web browsing. No data is stored server-sidedly by the script.