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Operation Mind Control

by Walter Bowart (read by James Martinez)

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Operation Mind Control

Operation Mind Control

by Walter Bowart


Read by James Martinez

Walter Bowart

“In 1973 the Rockefeller Commission's Report revealed that CIA Director Richard Helms had supposedly destroyed 153 separate files on a long running, top secret project called MKULTRA, as his last act in office. In years to come many of those files were discovered as "misplaced" files. They revealed a long history of criminal activities by individuals who hid behind the National Security Act and ran amok, arrogantly treating citizens of their own country as just so many lab rats.”

― Walter Bowart

Walter Howard Bowart (1939–2007) was an American leader in the counterculture movement of the 1960s, founder and editor of the first underground newspaper in New York City, the East Village Other, and author of the book Operation Mind Control.

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~ attributed to Thomas Jefferson

"Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty."
James Martinez

James Martinez

Keep calm - breathe & think deep

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James Martinez Media
Marshall McLuhan

"The medium is the message."
~ Marshall McLuhan

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Operation Mind Control
Walter Bowart
James Martinez
James Martinez Media
Marshall McLuhan
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UX created by Dr. Christopher B. Germann
